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Crossing the Border: Art and Change in East Harlem


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Too easily subsumed by its greater neighbor Harlem and dwarfed by larger minority populations in the other boroughs including the Bronx, East Harlem has all but disappeared from the collective memory. This paper tries to recover East Harlem, also known as Spanish Harlem or El Barrio, from its public obscurity and reclaim its importance as a vital urban center in the fabric of Manhattan life. East Harlem is comprised of a rich collection of people from multiple ethnic, economic, and social backgrounds and it is they who provide the backdrop for my analysis of the political life of the neighborhood. The nature of political life in East Harlem is to be found not in the traditional sphere of the political — the acquisition and distribution of power — but in the intersections of the lives of its diverse inhabitants and the articulation of individual and collective assertiveness. I hope to understand and elucidate the composite narratives of urban life in East Harlem through a reading of urban art: architecture, street art, private home design, and photographic documentation of the neighborhood. The aesthetic representations of East Harlem can provide the same insight into the narratives of the neighborhood's life worlds and life stories as biographical profiles of the inhabitants.
机译:东哈莱姆太容易被其更大的邻居哈莱姆(Harlem)吞并,并在包括布朗克斯在内的其他行政区的少数族裔人群中相形见,,而东哈莱姆(East Harlem)却几乎从集体记忆中消失了。本文试图从公众对其晦涩难懂的地方恢复东哈林,也称为西班牙哈林或萨尔瓦多巴里奥,并重申其在曼哈顿生活中作为重要城市中心的重要性。东哈林区(East Harlem)由来自不同种族,经济和社会背景的丰富人群组成,正是这些人为我分析该社区的政治生活提供了背景。东哈莱姆州政治生活的本质不在于政治的传统领域(即权力的获得和分配)中,而在于其多元化居民的生活与对个人和集体自信的表达的交集。我希望通过阅读城市艺术来理解和阐明东哈林区的城市生活综合叙事:建筑,街头艺术,私人住宅设计和附近地区的摄影文献。东哈林区的美学表现形式可以为居民的生活世界和生活故事提供与居民的传记一样的洞见。



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