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The Long Take: Messianic Time in Andrei Tarkovsky's Nostalghia


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This article invokes Giorgio Agamben's discussion of messianic time in his 2005 book The Time That Remains in order to explore Andrei Tarkovsky's late film, Nostalghia (1983). Agamben is wandering in a foreign land, as also Tarkovsky; Agamben in Christian theology and Tarkovsky in Italy. In St Paul Agamben finds an event without precedent and the arrival of a time that is time beside itself, an excess of temporality that opens possibility. Tarkovsky similarly defeats mere succession by realizing a screen time that makes time itself present in the duration of the film's long takes. In waiting on the film we wait on that which arrives in our waiting. The film is a kind of prayer, a patience and yearning for the time in which the “time of the end” arrives, transfiguring the present.
机译:本文引用了乔治·阿甘本(Giorgio Agamben)在其2005年出版的著作《剩下的时间》中对弥赛亚时间的讨论,目的是探索安德烈·塔可夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)的已故电影《怀旧》(Nostalghia)(1983)。阿甘本(Agamben)和塔可夫斯基(Tarkovsky)都在异国他乡游荡。基督教神学的阿甘本和意大利的塔尔科夫斯基。在圣保罗,阿甘本发现了一个没有先例的事件,并且时间已经到来了,时间的过剩打开了可能性。塔尔科夫斯基通过实现放映时间,使时间本身出现在电影的长片中,同样击败了仅仅一个接班人。在等待电影的过程中,我们等待着等待中的事物。这部电影是对“末日”到来的祈祷,耐心和向往,这是对当下的变形。



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