首页> 外文期刊>Journal for Cultural Research >Influence of Intrinsic Culture: Use of Public Space by Filipina Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong

Influence of Intrinsic Culture: Use of Public Space by Filipina Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong


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In line with the process of globalisation, large numbers of foreign labour migrants, who live and work across national boundaries, have created unique, cultural landscapes on foreign soil through their use of public space. Some scholars see this use of public space by foreign labour migrants in the main as a response to external challenges, the result of political economy, gender struggle, body politics, and cultural resistance. However, little effort has been made by scholars to examine the influence of the particular intrinsic cultures in which the aforementioned migrants were born and raised, cultures that they endeavour to sustain in alien environments, e.g. their religious beliefs, family ties, languages, and modes of social contact. In this article, the writer examines the use of public space by Filipina domestic helpers in Hong Kong and argues that foreign labour migrants' intrinsic cultures could be among the driving forces that shape the cultural landscapes of countries or regions in which they undertake overseas employment. The aforementioned religious beliefs, family ties, languages, and modes of social contact are major elements of these forces. The writer trusts that this article will demonstrate a new approach to the study of foreign labour migration-related cultural issues and landscapes.



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