首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Crystal Growth >Experimental study of inteake of gases by diamonds during crsytallization

Experimental study of inteake of gases by diamonds during crsytallization


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The compostion of gases in diamond crytal, grown at th multi-anvil apparatus "BARS" in the Fe-Ni-C sysem udner pressure 55-60 kbar, temepature 1300 deg C-1500 deg C, has been studied. The source of the gases in experimens was their natural admixture in thte parent metal-carbonic schist. Thue gases occurred in diamonds in the scattered form in the zones of the crysal imperfecions as well as in the form of three-dimesnional inclusions iwth the szie of 5-40 mkm. The compositon of gaseous impurites in diamond has been stuided by heaing the crystal in H atomshpere under 600 deg C withthe followign chromatographic analysis fo the emanated gases on the coentent of H_2O,CO_2,CO,H_2,N_2,O_2,CH_4,C_2H-2,C_2H_4,C_2H_6,C_3H_N,H_2S,SO_2.
机译:已经研究了在多砧装置“ BARS”中在Fe-Ni-C系统压力55-60 kbar,温度1300℃-1500℃下生长的金刚石结晶中气体的组成。实验中的气体来源是其在母体金属碳片岩中的天然混合物。钻石中的通气以散布的形式出现在晶状体缺陷的区域中,并且以3维夹杂物的形式出现,范围为5-40 mkm。金刚石中气态杂质的组成是通过对H原子中600℃以下的晶体进行加热,并利用H_2O,CO_2,CO,H_2,N_2,O_2,CH_4,C_2H-2 ,C_2H_4,C_2H_6,C_3H_N,H_2S,SO_2。



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