首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Crystal Growth >Effect of Ti ion implanation, abrasion with particles, and thin film evaporation on the formation of CVD diamond on si substrates

Effect of Ti ion implanation, abrasion with particles, and thin film evaporation on the formation of CVD diamond on si substrates


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In previosu studies it has been shown that diamond nucleation and growth on Si subsrates may be enhanced by subsrate abrasion with amxture of diamond and Ti metal pearticles. in this work, a gradual change in the surface compositon of Si was designed to enable a controled study of chemicla effects induced by Ti additives at teh initialstages of diamond CVD formatin. Diamond was deposited on Si substates pre-abraded with diamond or a mixure of diamond and titanium powders. Also, Si implanted with different energies and doses of Ti (50, 100, 134 KeV, and 10~14, 10~15 ions/cm~2) and abraded with diamond powder served as a substrate for diamond depostion. In order to ksudy the reacions of Ti additives during the depostion process, additoanl Si substrates were covered by thin Ti films (100 nm) and exposed to CVD conditiosn. AFM, SEM, FTIR, μ-Raman, AES, anjd SIMS were utilized in his study. The incorporation of Ti into the Si surface geion modifeid its reactivity towards the formation of CVD diamond. however, its exact locaation relative tothe gas phase was found to be of crucial imporatnce: the highest nucelaiton enhancement was obtianed with the Ti was placed on the Si surface,a nd was in direct interactionw with the gas phase. It is suggested that C is accumulated in the Ti rich zone, resutling in faster carbon saturation and enhancement in SiC formaion, which is believed to be a template for diamond growth on Si.
机译:在以前的研究中,已经表明,通过基质和金刚石和钛金属酯的混合物磨蚀基质可以增强Si基质上的金刚石成核和生长。在这项工作中,Si表面成分的逐渐变化被设计为能够在金刚石CVD形成初期对Ti添加剂引起的化学腐蚀作用进行对照研究。钻石沉积在预先掺有钻石或钻石和钛粉末混合物的Si亚状态上。同样,注入了不同能量和剂量的Ti(50、100、134 KeV和10〜14、10〜15离子/ cm〜2)并磨削了金刚石粉的Si用作金刚石变质的基底。为了在去污过程中确保钛添加剂的反应,附加的硅基片被Ti薄膜(100 nm)覆盖并暴露于CVD条件下。在他的研究中使用了AFM,SEM,FTIR,μ拉曼,AES和SIMS。 Ti掺入Si表面Geion改变了其对CVD金刚石形成的反应性。然而,发现其相对于气相的确切位置是至关重要的:将Ti置于Si表面可以使Nuclaiton达到最高增强,并且与气相直接相互作用。提示C富集在Ti富集区中,恢复了更快的碳饱和度并增强了SiC形态,据信这是在Si上金刚石生长的模板。



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