首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Crystal Growth >Impurity effects on crystallization rates of n-hexadecance in oil-in-water emulsions

Impurity effects on crystallization rates of n-hexadecance in oil-in-water emulsions


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Crystallization rtes of n-hexadencane dispersed in oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion (oil 20 wt /100 and water 80 wt /100) were studied by an ultrasonic velocity measurement technique. Twin 20 was employed for emulsification to form the O/W emulsion. A highly hydrophobic food emulsifier, a sucrose polyester involving plasmatic acid moiety (P-170), was added to n-hexadecane, as an impurity, in an attempt to modify the rte of the crystallization of n-hexadecane. The rates of crystallization of n-hexadenane were monitored by variations in the ultrasonic velocity values, which increase with increasing amount of crystal fractions in the oil phase of he emulsion. In comparison with the results of the O/W emulsion systems with those of the bulk systems, the following results were obtained; 9a) the addition of P-170 accelerated the nucleation in the emission system, yet no acceleration was revealed in the bulk system, (b) the rates of crystal growth were retarded by the addition of P-170m, (c0 the acceleration of nucleation occurred through two stages iith increasing concentrations of P-170: e.g., a sharp increase occurred in a low concentrates range of P-170 up to 0.3/100 with respect to n-hjejxadecane, then a moderate acceleration occurred at P=-170 concentrations above 0.6/00. These results were discussed in terms of heterogeneous nucleation occurring at interfaces of the O/W emulsion droplets.
机译:通过超声速度测量技术研究了分散在水包油(O / W)乳液(油20 wt / 100和水80 wt / 100)中的正十六烷的结晶度。使用Twin 20乳化形成O / W乳液。将高疏水性食品乳化剂,一种涉及血浆酸部分的蔗糖聚酯(P-170)作为杂质添加到正十六烷中,试图改变正十六烷的结晶度。通过超声速度值的变化来监测正己烯的结晶速率,其随乳剂油相中晶体分数的增加而增加。与O / W乳液体系和本体体系的结果相比,获得了以下结果; 9a)添加P-170加速了发射系统中的成核,但在本体系统中未显示出加速,(b)添加P-170m阻碍了晶体生长速率,(c0加速了成核发生在两个阶段,即P-170的浓度增加:例如,相对于正二十烷,在低浓度的P-170浓度范围至0.3 / 100时急剧增加,然后在P = -170浓度发生中等程度的加速高于0.6 / 00,就在O / W乳液小滴的界面处发生的异相成核讨论了这些结果。



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