首页> 外文期刊>The journal of criminal law >Justifications and Purposes of Negotiated Justice for Corporate Offenders: Deferred and Non-Prosecution Agreements in the UK and US systems of Criminal Justice

Justifications and Purposes of Negotiated Justice for Corporate Offenders: Deferred and Non-Prosecution Agreements in the UK and US systems of Criminal Justice


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This article offers an overview of the UK regime of deferred prosecution agreements in the Crime and Courts Act 2013, in light of the practice of pre-trial diversion in the USA and the lessons learnt to date. The effectiveness of this new prosecutorial tool is discussed on the basis of judicial statistics and other available data. The transformation in the American system of corporate criminal liability, through guidelines disseminated by the Department of Justice and by the Securities and Exchange Commission, shows an increasing emphasis on two main topics: (1) corporate cooperation with authorities in the prosecution of individuals and (2) corporate governance. In this regard, the article argues for a new concept of corporate blameworthiness, which it seeks to affirm based on the theory of 'reactive fault'. The article furthermore reflects on problems with regard to the framework of corporate rehabilitation, while outlining possible remedies against prosecutorial abuses.
机译:本文根据美国的审前转用惯例以及迄今为止的经验教训,概述了英国《 2013年犯罪和法院法》中的延期起诉协议制度。在司法统计和其他可用数据的基础上,讨论了这种新的检察工具的有效性。通过美国司法部和美国证券交易委员会发布的指南,美国公司刑事责任制度的转变显示出对两个主要主题的日益重视:(1)在起诉个人方面与公司的合作;以及(( 2)公司治理。在这方面,本文提出了一种新的公司责任感概念,该概念力求基于“反应性过失”理论予以肯定。该文章进一步思考了公司复兴框架方面的问题,同时概述了针对起诉滥用的可能补救措施。



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