首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computer and System Sciences >Models of Nondeterministic Regular Expressions

Models of Nondeterministic Regular Expressions


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Nondeterminism is a direct outcome of interactions and is. therefore a cen- tral ingredient for modelling concurrent systems. Trees are very useful for modelling nondeterministic behaviour. We aim at a tree-based interpretation of regular expressions and study the effect of removing the idempotence law X+ X= X and the distribution law X·(Y+ Z) = X·Y+ X·Z from Kleene algebras. We show that the free model of the new set of axioms is a class of trees labelled over A. We also equip regular expressions with a two-level behavioural semantics. The basic level is described in terms of a class of labelled transition systems that are detailed enough to describe the number of equal actions a system can perform from a given state. The abstract level is based on a so-called resource bisimulation preorder that permits ignoring uninteresting details of transition systems. The three proposed interpretations of regular expressions (algebraic, denotational, and behavioural) are proven to coincide. When dealing with infinite behaviours, we rely on a simple version of the ω-induction and obtain a complete proof system also for the full language of nondeterministic regular expressions.
机译:非确定性是互动的直接结果,并且是。因此,为并发系统建模的核心要素。树对于建模不确定性行为非常有用。我们旨在基于树的正则表达式解释,并研究从Kleene代数中去除幂等律X + X = X和分布律X·(Y + Z)= X·Y + X·Z的效果。我们证明了新的公理集的自由模型是一类在A上标记的树。我们还为正则表达式配备了两级行为语义。基本级别是根据一类标记的过渡系统来描述的,该系统的详细程度足以描述系统可以从给定状态执行的相等动作的数量。抽象级别基于所谓的资源双仿真预排序,该预排序允许忽略过渡系统的无关紧要的细节。三种提议的正则表达式解释(代数,名词和行为)被证明是一致的。当处理无限行为时,我们依靠ω-归纳的简单形式,并且也获得了用于不确定性正则表达式的完整语言的完整证明系统。



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