首页> 外文期刊>Journal of communication inquiry >Henry Rollins' Rhetoric of Atonement: An Apology for Offensive Comments About Suicide

Henry Rollins' Rhetoric of Atonement: An Apology for Offensive Comments About Suicide


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In response to Robin Williams' death, outspoken punk rocker Henry Rollins published an LA Weekly column about his disdain for people who commit suicide. His comments about depression were immediately condemned as ignorant and hurtful. In an effort to make amends for his offensive remarks, Rollins delivered an apology that featured all three elements of the rhetoric of atonement: repentance, prayer, and charity. Analysis of Rollins' discourse suggests important implications for the literature surrounding apologetic discourse. This essay questions whether rhetors must explicitly ask for public forgiveness in order to demonstrate repentance and highlights the language of service as a meaningful element of charity.
机译:为了回应罗宾·威廉姆斯(Robin Williams)的死,直言不讳的朋克摇滚歌手亨利·罗林斯(Henry Rollins)发表了一篇洛杉矶周刊专栏,讲述了他对自杀者的不屑。他有关抑郁症的评论被立即谴责为无知和伤害。为了弥补他的冒犯性言论,罗林斯道歉,以赎罪修辞的所有三个要素为特色:悔改,祈祷和慈善。对罗林斯话语的分析表明,这对围绕道歉话语的文献具有重要意义。本文质疑修辞者是否必须明确要求公众宽恕以示re悔,并强调服务语言是慈善事业的重要组成部分。



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