首页> 外文期刊>Journal of communication inquiry >Fukushima Fallout in Japanese Manga: The Oishinbo Controversy Through the Lens of Habermas Discourse Ethics

Fukushima Fallout in Japanese Manga: The Oishinbo Controversy Through the Lens of Habermas Discourse Ethics


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Japan's 2011 Fukushima nuclear plant calamity created a global focal point for debate about nuclear energy, and a notable forum for dissent. The incident, marked by the meltdown of three of the nuclear facility's reactors, is the largest nuclear incident since the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster of 1986. In 2014, the popular Japanese manga Oishinbo, authored by Tetsu Kariya, helped set off a firestorm of intense debate in social and traditional media when it published a fictionalized account of the environmental and health hazards for residents living close to the plant. This paper explores the ethical implications of such portrayals in a fictionalized medium through the theoretical lens of Jürgen Habermas and against the unique backdrop of Japan's evolving media landscape and tumultuous recent environmental history. Habermas' discourse ethics theory is well situated to analyze this complex case, in spite of the eventual and well-publicized suspension of the Oishinbo comic. Habermas' favoring of a public moral discourse that is free of power imbalances, and one in which the superior argument for society as a whole ultimately prevails, helps contextualize the important but contentious discourse that took place across Japan in the wake of Kariya's publication about Fukushima, and the responsibility of the manga in balancing the well-being of Fukushima Prefecture residents with a broader public interest. By connecting his actions to a transcendental purpose of giving voice to a marginalized constituency, Kariya established discourse within manga as a pathway to potential resolution for victims of an ecological crisis.
机译:日本2011年的福岛核电站灾难为辩论核能创造了一个全球焦点,并且是一个异议的著名论坛。该事件以三个核反应堆的反应堆为标志,是自1986年切尔诺贝利核电站灾难以来最大的核事故。2014年,由Tetsu Kariya创作的颇受欢迎的日本漫画Oishinbo引发了一场大火当社交媒体和传统媒体发表虚构的关于居住在该工厂附近的居民的环境和健康危害的描述时,引起了激烈的辩论。本文通过尤尔根·哈贝马斯(JürgenHabermas)的理论视角,并在日本不断发展的媒体格局和动荡的近期环境历史的独特背景下,探讨了在虚构的媒体中这种描写的伦理意义。哈贝马斯的话语伦理学理论很好地分析了这个复杂的案例,尽管最终还是广为人知地暂停了奥新博漫画。哈贝马斯赞成无权力失衡的公共道德话语,最终占上风的是整个社会的优越论点,这有助于将Kar谷在有关福岛的出版物发表后在日本各地发生的重要但有争议的话语进行情境化。 ,以及漫画在平衡福岛县居民的福祉与更广泛的公共利益之间的责任。通过将他的行动与超越性的目的联系起来,即向处于边缘地位的选民表达意见,Kariya在漫画中确立了话语权,以此作为潜在解决生态危机受害者的途径。



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