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Walter Benjamin and the Question of Print in Media History

机译:沃尔特·本杰明(Walter Benjamin)和媒体历史中的印刷问题

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Although Walter Benjamin's "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" is a seminal essay in the study of media history, the work itself gives a surprisingly brief account of one of field's core subjects: the printing press. Books and literature present only a special case of mechanical reproduction, according to Benjamin, but the implications of this point remain largely unexplored by scholars. The purpose of this essay is to ask why Benjamin would have considered print to be different or less historically consequential compared to photography and cinema when the revolutionary potential he ascribes to these more recent technologies is also prefigured in his other writings on books and literature. Answering this question helps to create a sharper picture of what matters to Benjamin about new media and also points to figures like Georg Lukács who influenced Benjamin's account of technology and art. Ultimately, this line of questioning also raises concerns about the place of the "Work of Art" essay in the study of media history, a field in which the signal error is to treat new media as unprecedented developments.
机译:尽管沃尔特·本杰明(Walter Benjamin)的“机械复制时代的艺术作品”是研究媒体历史的开创性论文,但该作品本身却令人惊讶地简要介绍了该领域的核心主题之一:印刷机。本杰明认为,书籍和文学仅是机械复制的一种特殊情况,但这一点的含义在很大程度上仍未被学者们探索。本文的目的是要问,当本杰明在其他书籍和文学著作中还预言了这些较新技术的革命潜力时,为什么本杰明会认为版画与摄影和电影相比有所不同或在历史上不太重要。回答这个问题有助于更清晰地了解本杰明对新媒体的重要性,并指出影响本杰明对技术和艺术的理解的乔治·卢卡奇(GeorgLukács)等人物。最终,这条质疑线也引起了人们对“艺术作品”论文在媒体历史研究中的地位的关注,在该领域,信号错误是将新媒体视为前所未有的发展。



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