首页> 外文期刊>Journal of communication inquiry >'What a Loser That Guy Was': Norm Macdonald's Humorous Critique of the Romantic/ Warrior Narrative

'What a Loser That Guy Was': Norm Macdonald's Humorous Critique of the Romantic/ Warrior Narrative

机译:“盖伊是个多么失败的人”:诺曼·麦克唐纳(Norm Macdonald)对浪漫主义/战士叙事的幽默批判

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Illness narratives are stories that focus on, or are inspired by, the sometimes life-altering experience of illness. Most narrative constructions of these illness experiences are built upon one of three broad narrative “skeletons.” One skeletal subform, the romantic/warrior narrative, is critiqued by comedian Norm Macdonald in a humorous anecdote that mocks the expectation that cancer patients must wage an epic and heroic battle against their pernicious cancer to have a chance to survive. Macdonald explicates that such a mentality produces heroes and villains, winners and losers, and places additional burden on cancer patients. In this analysis, I argue that Macdonald’s effective use of humor and fulfillment of the five functions of health-related narration enable his story to gain narrative rationality and serve as effective rhetorical tools in encouraging the audience to accept the narrator’s critique of the romantic/warrior subform.
机译:疾病叙事是侧重于,有时是改变生活的疾病经历或受到其启发的故事。这些疾病经历的大多数叙事结构都建立在三个广泛的叙事“骨架”之一上。喜剧演员诺姆·麦克唐纳(Norm Macdonald)在一个幽默的轶事中批评了一种骨骼形式,即浪漫/武士叙事,嘲笑人们对癌症患者必须与恶性癌症展开史诗般的英勇战斗才能获得生存的希望。麦克唐纳(Macdonald)说明,这种心态会产生英雄和反派,赢家和输家,并给癌症患者带来额外负担。在此分析中,我认为麦克唐纳德有效地运用幽默和履行与健康有关的叙事的五种功能,使他的故事获得了叙事理性,并成为鼓励观众接受叙事者对浪漫/勇士的批评的有效修辞工具。子窗体。



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