>The grotesque protest—emboldened through social media—employs the body’s fluids to push back again'/> The Grotesque Protest in Social Media as Embodied, Political Rhetoric
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The Grotesque Protest in Social Media as Embodied, Political Rhetoric


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>The grotesque protest—emboldened through social media—employs the body’s fluids to push back against attempts to legislate bodies. Although social media use is commonly understood as engaging audience members who share ideological frames, it can instead diversify protest networks and encourage discourse. Social media provides individuals opportunities to resist attempts to control bodies and to reinsert individuals’ voices in political discourse aimed to exclude those bodies. The body functions as the modality in which the communicative act occurs, and the body’s fluids function as the medium for inventing disruptive, grotesque protest strategies. Activists such as Rupi Kaur, The Satanic Temple’s Jex Blackmore, and those using Twitter hashtags #periodsforPence and #PEEOTUS use bodily fluids and tissues to emphasize resistance to political movements attempting to control and legislate bodies. The protest campaigns show that the grotesque can be an effective tool for opening space, transgressing boundaries, demanding attention, and equalizing differential political power relations.
机译: >怪异的抗议活动-通过社交媒体变得胆大妄为-利用身体的液体来推动立法机构的尝试。尽管社交媒体的使用通常被理解为吸引具有共同意识形态框架的听众,但它可以使抗议网络多样化并鼓励话语。社交媒体为个人提供了抵抗企图控制身体的企图,并在旨在排除这些身体的政治言论中重新表达个人声音的机会。身体充当沟通行为的形式,身体的液体充当发明破坏性,怪诞抗议策略的媒介。激进主义者,例如鲁皮·考尔(Rupi Kaur),撒旦神庙(The Satanic Temple)的杰克斯·布莱克莫尔(Jex Blackmore),以及使用Twitter标签#periodsforPence和#PEEOTUS的主义者,都使用体液和组织来强调抵抗试图控制和立法机构的政治运动的抵抗力。抗议活动表明,怪诞活动可以成为开放空间,越界,要求注意和平衡不同的政治权力关系的有效工具。



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