首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Pathology >Assessment of the clinical significance of intestinal spirochaetosis

Assessment of the clinical significance of intestinal spirochaetosis


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Background: Spirochaetes are well known causative agents of diarrhoea in veterinary medicine. However, there is no agreement as to whether or not they have any clinical significance in humans. Aims: To assess the symptoms associated with intestinal spirochaetosis, their response to treatment and the natural history of untreated cases. Methods: A retrospective review of all cases of intestinal spirochaetosis identified within an eight year period in a single university teaching hospital was performed. A chart review and follow up telephone interview was performed to assess the indications for colonoscopy that led to the diagnosis, treatment received, and duration and nature of symptoms. Results: 18 cases were identified. The indications for colonoscopy were diarrhoea in 50% and rectal bleeding in 16.7%; also investigation of constipation, anaemia and abdominal pain, and in two cases reassessment of chronic proctitis. Two subjects were treated with metronidazole and two were treated with aminosalicy-lates. 69% had complete resolution of symptoms at follow-up, 15% had persistent symptoms and 15% had intermittent symptoms. Of the two patients treated with metronidazole, one had resolution of symptoms and one has persistent abdominal pain. Conclusion: Symptoms do not appear to parallel spirochaete persistence or eradication and therefore it seems appropriate to adopt a wait and see approach to treatment of patients in whom spirochaetes are identified, giving a trial of antimicrobial treatment only in those who have severe or persistent symptoms. Careful consideration of both host and pathogen should be undertaken.
机译:背景:Spirochaetes是兽医学中众所周知的腹泻病原。但是,关于它们在人类中是否具有任何临床意义尚无共识。目的:评估与肠道螺旋藻病相关的症状,其对治疗的反应以及未治疗病例的自然史。方法:回顾性回顾了在单一大学教学医院内在八年内发现的所有肠道螺旋藻病病例。进行图表检查和电话随访,以评估结肠镜检查的适应症,这些适应症可导致诊断,所接受的治疗以及症状的持续时间和性质。结果:确定18例。结肠镜检查的适应症为腹泻为50%,直肠出血为16.7%。还调查了便秘,贫血和腹痛,并对两例慢性直肠炎进行了重新评估。两名受试者接受甲硝唑治疗,两名受试者接受氨基水杨酸盐​​治疗。 69%的患者在随访中症状完全缓解,15%的患者具有持续性症状,15%的患者具有间歇性症状。在用甲硝唑治疗的2例患者中,1例症状缓解,1例持续腹痛。结论:症状似乎与并行螺线虫的持久性或根除并不相似,因此似乎应该采取静观其变的方法对已鉴定出螺旋线虫的患者进行治疗,仅对有严重或持续性症状的患者进行抗微生物治疗的试验。应仔细考虑宿主和病原体。



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