首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Pathology >Expression of androgen receptor through androgen-converting enzymes is associated with biological aggressiveness in prostate cancer

Expression of androgen receptor through androgen-converting enzymes is associated with biological aggressiveness in prostate cancer




Aims: The association between the expression of androgen receptor (AR) or androgen-converting enzymes and malignant potential in prostate cancer (PCa) was examined. Methods: PCa specimens from 44 cases of stage II, 10 cases of stage III, four cases of stage IV and two recurrent cases were semi-quantitatively studied with immunohistochemistry for AR and androgen-converting enzymes. Results: The expression scores for AR, 5α-reductase type 1 (SRD5A1), 5α-reductase type 2 (SRD5A2), and aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3 (AKR1C3) in the metastatic lesion of stage IV or recurrent cancer (n = 6) were 284.2 (30.1), 300 (0.0), 279.2 (51) and 254.2 (74.9), respectively; these scores were significantly higher than the respective scores of 121.8 (82.1), 135.1 (59.7), 167.0 (66.4) and 150.5 (62.8) for stage II and III cancer (n = 54) (p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p = 0.002 and p = 0.018, respectively). The expression scores for AR and SRD5A1 in stage II and III cancer with Gleason score 7 (n = 19) were 128.7 (72.3) and 150.5 (52.9); these were significantly higher than the scores of 78.8 (67.2) and 100.0 (39.6), respectively, for cancers with a Gleason score of ≤ 6 (n = 20) (p = 0.032 and p = 0.002, respectively). The expression scores for AR, SRD5A1 and AKR1C3 in stage II and III cancer with primary Gleason pattern ≥ 4 (n = 21) were 158.1 (84.3), 158.3 (61.1) and 173.8 (64.8); these were significantly higher than the scores of 98.6 (72.8), 120.3 (54.7) and 135.6 (57.6), respectively, for cancers with primary Gleason pattern ≤ 3 (n = 33) (p = 0.011, p = 0.026 and p = 0.034, respectively). Within Gleason score 9 cancer, the expression scores for AR and SRD5A1 in the primary lesion of stage IV (n = 3) were 276.7 (5.8) and 283.3 (28.9); these scores were significantly higher than the scores of 182.1 (86.0) and 140.0 (56.6), respectively, for stage II and III cancer (n = 7) (p = 0.027 and p = 0.001, respectively). Conclusions: Both AR and androgen-converting enzymes were upregulated in high-grade or advanced PCa.
机译:目的:检查前列腺癌(PCa)中雄激素受体(AR)或雄激素转化酶的表达与恶性潜能之间的关系。方法:采用免疫组化技术对AR和雄激素转化酶进行半定量研究,分别从44例II期,10例III期,4例IV期和2例复发病例中提取PCa标本。结果:IV期或复发性癌症转移病灶中AR,5α-还原酶1型(SRD5A1),5α-还原酶2型(SRD5A2)和醛固酮还原酶家族1成员C3(AKR1C3)的表达得分(n = 6)分别为284.2(30.1),300(0.0),279.2(51)和254.2(74.9);这些分数显着高于II和III期癌症的分别为121.8(82.1),135.1(59.7),167.0(66.4)和150.5(62.8)(n = 54)(p <0.001,p <0.001,p分别为0.002和p​​ = 0.018)。在II期和III期癌症中,Gleason评分为7(n = 19)的AR和SRD5A1的表达评分分别为128.7(72.3)和150.5(52.9);对于格里森分数≤6的癌症(n = 20),这两个指标分别显着高于78.8(67.2)和100.0(39.6)的分数(分别为p = 0.032和p = 0.002)。在原发性格里森模式≥4(n = 21)的II和III期癌症中,AR,SRD5A1和AKR1C3的表达得分分别为158.1(84.3),158.3(61.1)和173.8(64.8);对于原发性格里森模式≤3(n = 33)的癌症,这些分数分别显着高于98.6(72.8),120.3(54.7)和135.6(57.6)的分数(p = 0.011,p = 0.026和p = 0.034 , 分别)。在格里森评分为9的癌症中,IV期原发灶(n = 3)中AR和SRD5A1的表达评分分别为276.7(5.8)和283.3(28.9)。这些分数显着高于II期和III期癌症(n = 7)的182.1(86.0)和140.0(56.6)的分数(分别为p = 0.027和p = 0.001)。结论:在高级或高级PCa中,AR和雄激素转化酶均被上调。



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