首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >Assessment of subsidies to minimize environmental pollution by Intensive Hog Feeding Operation (IHFO)

Assessment of subsidies to minimize environmental pollution by Intensive Hog Feeding Operation (IHFO)


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Environmental pollution caused by Intensive Hog Feeding Operations (IHFO) has long been an issue of common concern worldwide. The research constructs a theoretical framework development for the technological implementation of IHFO with Biogas project Subsidy, Fermented Bed Subsidy and Sewage Charge in the Government Policy design. Linear Programming method is used to simulate the impacts of policy variables on the manure disposal of IHFO. The result finds that: only above the threshold, that the Biogas subsidy is increased by 200 Yuan per head or the Fermented Bed subsidy by 100 Yuan per head, can policy variables play effective impact on the decision of manure disposal technology, and the maximal social benefit is achieved. Under the current subsidy policy, response of producers differs in the scale of Hog Farms. Biogas project subsidy can play roles in large-scale Hog Farms, while the litter subsidy of Fermented Bed plays mainly in small and medium-scale Hog Farms. The existing subsidy intensity needs to be strengthened in order to achieve maximum social benefit. An improvement of levying method and intensity of sewage charge will be able to stimulate producers' emphasis on manure disposal, increasing the implementation effect of subsidy policy. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:长期以来,由集约化养猪饲养操作(IHFO)引起的环境污染一直是全世界共同关注的问题。该研究利用政府政策设计中的沼气项目补贴,发酵床补贴和排污费为IHFO的技术实施构建了理论框架。线性规划法用于模拟政策变量对IHFO粪便处置的影响。结果发现:只有在阈值以上,沼气补贴每头增加200元,发酵床补贴每头增加100元,政策变量才能对粪便处理技术的决策产生有效影响,社会效益最大化。受益。根据当前的补贴政策,生猪养殖场的规模对生产者的反应有所不同。沼气项目补贴可以在大型养猪场发挥作用,而发酵床的垃圾补贴主要在中小型养猪场发挥作用。为了达到最大的社会效益,需要加强现有的补贴强度。排污费征收方式和强度的提高,可以激发生产者对粪便处理的重视,提高补贴政策的实施效果。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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