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The migrating locus of strategy


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It's been a few years since the frenzy of the 1990s, when the pace of change seemed destined forever to accelerate, and when decentralization and "de-conglomeration" in the name of efficiency seemed unlikely ever to stop. In the political sphere, we have seen some of the less pleasant results of over-Balkanization, in Chechnya, in the gangster capitalism of Russia itself, and, come to think of it, in the Balkans themselves. In business, for far too many companies, "sticking to the knitting" -selling off all extraneous assets to concentrate on one's supposed "core competency" - was too often the prelude to hostile takeover by a larger and more efficient firm of the same type. And even these super-concentrated huge specialized firms were exposed to strategic disaster. At the end of the day, any strategy based on efficiency is in danger of becoming a strategy of price war.
机译:自1990年代的狂潮以来已经过去了几年,那时变化的速度似乎注定要永远加速,而以效率为名的权力下放和“解集”似乎不可能停止。在政治领域,我们在车臣,俄罗斯本身的黑帮资本主义以及巴尔干半岛自己中看到了过度巴尔干化的一些令人不愉快的结果。在商业上,对于太多的公司而言,“坚持编织”(出售所有无关的资产以专注于自己所谓的“核心能力”)常常是被更大,更高效的同类公司恶意收购的序幕。 。甚至这些超级集中的大型专业公司也面临战略灾难。归根结底,任何基于效率的策略都有可能成为价格战的策略。



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