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Re-tweeting the Ayatollah


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"Have you ever received the message of Islam from any sources other than the media?" tweeted Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khameini in a recent letter to the youth of Europe and North America over the hashtag #Letter4U on January 22, 2015 (Khameini, 2015). On the very same day, the Prime Minister of Yemen announced his resignation and that of his cabinet on his Facebook page, explaining the act by saying "so that we are not made party to what is going on and what will happen" (Almosawa and Nordland, 2015). While the replication of official communications in social media has been taking place for a number of years, we believe that these two pronouncements in early 2015 represent a new level of social media engagement by government entities that needs to be examined more closely. In the case of the Ayatollah, the tweets in question were apparently re-posts from his Web site and not from any other official communique.
机译:“您是否曾经从媒体以外的任何其他地方收到过伊斯兰的信息?” 2015年1月22日,伊朗最高领导人阿亚图拉·哈迈尼(Ayatollah Khameini)在一封给欧洲和北美青年的信中,用#Letter4U标签发了推文(Khameini,2015)。就在同一天,也门总理在Facebook页面上宣布辞职和内阁辞职,并解释说:“以便我们不参与正在发生的事情和将要发生的事情”(Almosawa和Nordland,2015年)。虽然官方通讯已在社交媒体中复制了很多年,但我们认为,2015年初的这两项声明代表了政府实体对社交媒体参与的新水平,需要进一步研究。以阿亚图拉为例,有关的推文显然是从他的网站而不是任何其他官方公报上转发的。



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