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The Tour de France: corporate sponsorships and doping accusations


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The Tour de France is one of ten major sporting events in the world, attracting a global audience of cycling enthusiasts and followers. In 2012 and 2013, the values inherent in the sporting efforts and team spirit of the Tour were overshadowed by various scandals linked to doping affairs. Lance Armstrong, with seven winning yellow shirts, now admits to cheating seven times. The negative impact of the doping scandal endures. Discussions concerning socially disapproved behavior are aired or broadcast via on- and off-line media, and while the negative content may diminish public interest in the Tour de France, the event will continue to fascinate audiences and sell broadcasting rights and sponsorships. The event is based on sponsorship and the most well-known contributors sponsor teams. As in Formula 1 or yacht racing, teams in the Tour are named after their sponsors (i.e. corporate brands). The cyclists are part of these teams. Thus, corporate image is directly linked to the event and, by extension, to its teams and their members. Corporate brand image or reputation may be spoiled or marred due to doping in their teams, and companies react differently to accusations.
机译:环法自行车赛是全球十大体育赛事之一,吸引了全球自行车爱好者和追随者。在2012年和2013年,巡回赛的体育努力和团队合作精神固有的价值观被与兴奋剂相关的各种丑闻所掩盖。兰斯·阿姆斯特朗(Lance Armstrong)穿着七件获奖的黄色衬衫,现在承认他作弊七次。掺杂丑闻的负面影响仍然存在。有关社交不赞成行为的讨论会通过在线或离线媒体进行播放或广播,尽管负面内容可能会削弱环法自行车赛的公众利益,但该赛事将继续吸引观众并出售广播权和赞助权。该活动基于赞助商和最知名的贡献者赞助商团队。与一级方程式赛车或游艇赛一样,巡回赛中的车队以其赞助商(即公司品牌)命名。自行车手是这些团队的一部分。因此,企业形象直接与活动相关,并与活动及其团队及其成员直接相关。企业品牌形象或声誉可能会因团队中的兴奋剂而受损或受损,并且公司对指控的反应也不同。



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