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Does loyalty span domains? Examining the relationship between consumer loyalty, other loyalties and happiness


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Researchers hypothesize that loyalty is essentially isomorphic across domains, and it positively linked to happiness. Based on an extensive review, this research proposes a universal definition of loyalty that is applicable across domains. Additionally, this study investigates whether consumer loyalty is reflective of our loyalties across other life domains. Using data from 1202 consumers from the USA and 531 from the UK, this research examines loyalty across six domains: family, friends, colleagues, consumer, community, and faith and its relationship to happiness. The results indicate that loyalties fall into two groups: "concrete" (tied to individuals) and "abstract" (tied to higher order abstractions). Consumer loyalty is found to group with concrete loyalties. Both loyalties are correlated to happiness, but concrete loyalties are much more strongly correlated. This lends support to the idea that firms can meaningfully enhance individual happiness and promote societal well-being by creating environments that engender consumer loyalty. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:研究人员推测,忠诚本质上是跨领域同构的,并且与幸福有着积极的联系。在广泛审查的基础上,这项研究提出了适用于各个领域的忠诚度的通用定义。此外,本研究调查了消费者忠诚度是否反映了我们在其他生活领域中的忠诚度。这项研究使用了来自美国的1202位消费者和来自英国的531位消费者的数据,考察了六个领域的忠诚度:家庭,朋友,同事,消费者,社区,信仰及其与幸福的关系。结果表明,忠诚度分为两类:“具体的”(绑定到个人)和“抽象的”(绑定到高阶抽象)。发现消费者忠诚度与具体忠诚度紧密相关。两种忠诚度与幸福相关,但具体的忠诚度则更紧密相关。这为以下观点提供了支持:公司可以通过创建能够提高消费者忠诚度的环境来有意义地增强个人的幸福感并促进社会福祉。 (C)2015 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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