首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Research >Consumption community commitment: Newbies' and longstanding members' brand engagement and loyalty

Consumption community commitment: Newbies' and longstanding members' brand engagement and loyalty


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The relationships among members of virtual brand-related communities may change depending on the length of their participation in the community. Consumers' commitment to the community is likely to influence the relationship between consumer engagement in the community and brand loyalty. Commitment can be affective, calculative, and normative. Knowledge concerning the impact of these dimensions on behavioral loyalty to a brand over membership time is lacking. This study examines the changing relationship between consumers' engagement in a consumption community, their kind of commitment to the community and their behavioral loyalty to a brand over membership time. Members of a French virtual community sharing photography interests participated in the sample. Configural analysis shows that strong engagement in community activities alone is neither sufficient nor necessary for brand loyal intentions. Combinations of engagement with various levels of affective, calculative and normative commitment to the community can cause high behavioral brand loyalty of community members. These combinations change with the length of membership in the community. Brand managers can use the results to fine-tune their communication to groups of community members with different combinations of engagement and commitment as drivers of brand loyalty. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:虚拟品牌相关社区成员之间的关系可能会根据其参与社区的时间而改变。消费者对社区的承诺很可能会影响消费者在社区中的参与度与品牌忠诚度之间的关系。承诺可以是情感的,计算的和规范的。缺乏关于这些维度对会员时间内对品牌行为忠诚度的影响的知识。这项研究考察了消费者在消费社区中的参与,他们对社区的承诺以及在会员时间内对品牌的行为忠诚之间不断变化的关系。共享摄影兴趣的法国虚拟社区成员参加了该样本。结构分析表明,仅靠社区活动的强烈参与既不足以实现品牌忠诚度,也没有必要。参与度与对社区的各种情感,计算和规范承诺相结合,可以引起社区成员的高行为品牌忠诚度。这些组合随社区成员资格的长短而变化。品牌经理可以使用结果来微调其与社区成员群体的沟通,这些群体成员具有不同的参与度和承诺度作为品牌忠诚度的驱动力。 (C)2015 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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