首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Research >Being sub-culturally authentic and acceptable to the mainstream: Civilizing practices and self-authentication

Being sub-culturally authentic and acceptable to the mainstream: Civilizing practices and self-authentication


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The practices used by members of consumer tribes to achieve mainstream acceptance remain under-researched. Consumers seek tribal membership as part of a larger life theme or identity goal, yet the divergent nature of their tribe may hinder this desire for self-authentication. The research examines how members of one consumer tribe, Furries (or anthromorphs), "come out" with outsiders, thereby taking the ultimate transformative step. The findings demonstrate that Furries desire to disclose is framed around three competing concerns: being true to oneself, true to the tribe, and compassionate to outsiders. In balancing both egosystem and ecosystem goals Furries engage in three civilizing practices: reframing, spiritualizing, and playfulness. These practices enable members of consumer tribes to remain true to themselves but also expand the boundaries of their identities thereby gaining the mass acceptance they desire as part of a larger life theme. Crown Copyright (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Inc All rights reserved.
机译:消费者部落成员用来获得主流认可的做法仍在研究中。消费者寻求部落成员身份作为更大的生活主题或身份目标的一部分,但部落的分歧性质可能会阻碍这种自我认证的愿望。这项研究研究了一个消费部落的成员毛茸茸(或拟人化)如何与外部人“脱颖而出”,从而采取了最终的变革性步骤。调查结果表明,毛里斯·弗里斯(Furries)希望披露的信息围绕三个相互竞争的关注点:对自己忠实,对部落忠实和对局外人同情。在平衡自我系统和生态系统的目标时,毛茸茸进行了三种文明实践:改组,灵性化和嬉戏。这些做法使消费部落的成员能够忠于自己,而且扩大了身份的范围,从而获得了他们希望作为更大的生活主题的一部分的广泛接受。 Crown版权所有(C)2015,Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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