首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >An Empirical Alternative to Sidani and Thornberry's (2009) 'Current Arab Work Ethic': Examining the Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile in an Arab Context

An Empirical Alternative to Sidani and Thornberry's (2009) 'Current Arab Work Ethic': Examining the Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile in an Arab Context


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While the concept of work ethic has been discussed in the Arab context (Sidani and Thornberry in J Bus Eth 91(1):35-49, 2009), the significant conceptual and methodological limitations of the existing work ethic and work value research elucidate the need for a more robust investigation of the multidimensional work ethic construct in the Arab context. Multidimensionality of the work ethic concept has gained considerable attention in recent years as researchers attempt to move away from the religiously labeled Islamic and Protestant work ethic conceptualizations. The current study examines the Arab work ethic through the use of the multidimensional work ethic profile (MWEP) on a sample of future business leaders in the United Arab Emirates. A total of 484 business students completed an Arabic version of the MWEP short form. The results show that centrality of work and hard work are the highest scoring work ethics followed by self-reliance, wasted time, and leisure. There are significant differences in work ethic dimensions across gender and categories of family breadwinner. No significant differences in work ethic dimensions are observed across categories of nationality and work preference groups. The findings are discussed in relation to the unique insight they offer on the nature of work ethic in an Arab context.
机译:虽然已经在阿拉伯语境中讨论了职业道德的概念(Sidani和Thornberry在J Bus Eth 91(1):35-49,2009)中进行了讨论,但现有职业道德和工作价值研究的重大概念和方法上的局限性阐明了需要对阿拉伯语环境下的多维职业道德结构进行更强有力的调查。近年来,随着研究人员试图摆脱带有宗教色彩的伊斯兰和新教徒的工作道德概念化,工作道德概念的多维性受到了广泛关注。本研究通过在阿拉伯联合酋长国的未来商业领袖样本中使用多维职业道德概况(MWEP)来研究阿拉伯职业道德。共有484名商科学生完成了MWEP简短形式的阿拉伯语版本。结果表明,工作和努力工作的中心性是得分最高的职业道德,其次是自力更生,浪费时间和休闲。性别和家庭养家者类别在职业道德维度上存在显着差异。在国籍和工作偏好类别中,没有发现职业道德方面的显着差异。讨论的结果与他们在阿拉伯语境下对职业道德本质的独特见解有关。



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