首页> 外文期刊>Journal of broadcasting & electronic media >Terrorism in the Backyard: Coverage of London Attacks, 2005 by the British TV News Channels

Terrorism in the Backyard: Coverage of London Attacks, 2005 by the British TV News Channels


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The media-terrorism nexus needs further exploration. This article is a qualitative analysis of the coverage of London Attacks, 2005 by the British TV news channels. It aims to investigate and to empirically ascertain the veracity of the media-terrorism-symbiotic-relationship notion. The research draws a comparison with a similar study of the coverage of Mumbai attacks, 2008 and maintains that when the terrorist event happens on British soil, the symbiotic relationship theory is not verified completely. It concludes that British TV news channels, while reporting the home event of terrorism, do not overly focus on the theme of awe and terror. Instead, they are more responsible, careful, and nationalistic while covering the events of terrorism.
机译:媒体与恐怖主义的关系需要进一步探索。本文是对英国电视新闻频道对《 2005年伦敦袭击》的报道的定性分析。它旨在调查并凭经验确定媒体-恐怖主义-共生关系概念的准确性。该研究与2008年孟买袭击事件的类似研究进行了比较,并认为当恐怖事件发生在英国土壤上时,共生关系理论尚未得到充分验证。结论是,英国电视新闻频道在报道恐怖主义家庭事件时,并没有过分关注敬畏和恐怖这一主题。相反,他们在报道恐怖主义事件时更加负责,谨慎和民族主义。



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