首页> 外文期刊>Journal of arid environments >Gender-specific responses to winter defoliation of greenhouse-grown A triplex canescens clones under contrasting soil moisture regimes

Gender-specific responses to winter defoliation of greenhouse-grown A triplex canescens clones under contrasting soil moisture regimes


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A greenhouse experiment with female, male and monecious clones (36 of each, 108 total) of tetraploid Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. (fourwing saltbush) was conducted to determine gender-specific responses to simulated herbivory under contrasting conditions of soil moisture. We imposed three levels of winter defoliation (control, 40%, and 70% stem removal) and two soil moisture treatments (control and water stress). Gender-related responses to defoliation were context-specific. Defoliated female clones produced significantly less shoot biomass than male or monecious clones when soil moisture conditions were not limiting. All genders produced similar amounts of shoot biomass under conditions of soil moisture stress. Root biomass responses exhibited the opposite trend. With adequate soil moisture all defoliated clones produced similar amounts of root biomass, but water-stressed defoliated females usually produced less root biomass than their male and monecious counterparts. Leaf gas-exchange measurements indicated that females were less efficient than males in the use of water. Monecious clones outperformed both females and males when conditions of stress were greatest. Defoliated female shrubs may be at a competitive disadvantage regardless of theenvironmental context, and could therefore be expected to be the shrub gender most negatively affected by herbivory.
机译:一个温室实验,其中有雌,雄和恶性四倍体滨藜(Pursh)Nutt的雌性,雄性和恶性克隆(各36个,总共108个)。 (Fourwing saltbush)进行了研究,以确定在相反的土壤水分条件下,性别对模拟食草动物的特定反应。我们实施了三个级别的冬季脱叶(对照,40%和70%的茎去除)和两种土壤水分处理(对照和水分胁迫)。脱叶的性别相关反应是因地制宜的。当土壤水分条件不受限制时,落叶的雌性克隆产生的芽生物量显着少于雄性或有毒的克隆。在土壤水分胁迫条件下,所有性别的芽生物量均相似。根生物量响应呈现相反的趋势。在土壤水分充足的情况下,所有落叶的克隆产生的根生物量相似,但是水分胁迫的落叶雌性的根生物量通常比雄性和有毒的雌性少。叶片气体交换测量结果表明,雌性在用水方面效率不如雄性。当压力最大时,雌雄同株的克隆表现优于雌雄。无论环境如何,落叶的灌木丛都可能处于竞争劣势,因此可以预期,其是草食性对灌木林影响最大的灌木性别。



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