首页> 外文期刊>Journal of arid environments >Evaluating fire severity in Sudanian ecosystems of Burkina Faso using Landsat 8 satellite images

Evaluating fire severity in Sudanian ecosystems of Burkina Faso using Landsat 8 satellite images

机译:使用Landsat 8卫星图像评估布基纳法索苏丹生态系统的火灾严重性

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The fire severity of the 2013-2014 fire season within Sudanian ecosystems in Burkina Faso was evaluated from Landsat 8 images using derivatives of the Normalized Burn Ratio algorithm (NBR). The relationship between the image-derived severity and the field observed severity i.e. Composite Burn Index (CBI) was best described by a nonlinear model of the form y = a + b*EXP(CBI *c) (R-2 = 0.66). Classification of the image-derived burned area into burn severity classes achieved a classification Kappa accuracy statistic of 0.56. Highly severely burned areas were mapped with the highest accuracy (user's accuracy 77%, producer's accuracy 86%). The severity of the burn varied across phyto-geographical zones, protected status, land cover regimes, and forest management practices. The south Sudanian zone burned with a higher severity (low = 7%, moderate = 16% and high = 13%) than the north Sudanian zone (low = 5%, moderate = 10% and high = 5%). The mean of the highly severely burned areas differed significantly among the forest management practices (P = 0.005). A pair-wise comparison of the severity mean area indicated that the highly burned areas within forests managed for wildlife purposes differed significantly with that of both forests under the joint management (P = 0.006) and those under no management (P = 0.024). Among the management practices, forests jointly managed by the local communities and the government had the highest unburned area and the least highly severely burned areas reflecting the impacts of bottom-up forestry management where the local communities are actively involved in the management. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:使用归一化燃烧比率算法(NBR)的导数,从Landsat 8图像评估了布基纳法索苏丹生态系统内2013-2014年火灾季节的火灾严重性。图像派生的严重程度与现场观察到的严重程度之间的关系,即复合燃烧指数(CBI),可以通过形式为y = a + b * EXP(CBI * c)(R-2 = 0.66)的非线性模型来最好地描述。将图像衍生的烧伤区域分类为烧伤严重性等级,可实现分类Kappa精度统计为0.56。高度严重烧毁的区域以最高的精度进行了映射(用户的精度为77%,生产商的精度为86%)。烧伤的严重程度因植物地理区域,保护状态,土地覆盖制度和森林管理实践而异。苏丹南部地区的燃烧程度比北部苏丹地区(低= 5%,中度= 10%和高= 5%)高(低= 7%,中度= 16%,高= 13%)。在森林管理实践中,严重烧毁面积的平均值存在显着差异(P = 0.005)。严重度平均面积的成对比较表明,为野生动植物目的管理的森林中高度燃烧的区域与联合管理下的森林(P = 0.006)和无管理下的森林(P = 0.024)有显着差异。在管理实践中,由当地社区和政府共同管理的森林的未烧面积最高,而烧伤程度最轻的地区则最少,这反映了自下而上的林业管理的影响,当地社区积极参与管理。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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