首页> 外文期刊>Journal of African Earth Sciences >Petrology and geochemistry of the Yoro-Yangben Pan-African granitoid intrusion in the archaean Adamawa-Yade crust (Sw-Bafia, Cameroon)

Petrology and geochemistry of the Yoro-Yangben Pan-African granitoid intrusion in the archaean Adamawa-Yade crust (Sw-Bafia, Cameroon)


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South of Bafia (Cameroon), the Pan-African Yoro-Yangben massif is emplaced in the Adamawa-Yade block, an archaean-paleoprotrozoic micro-continent that detached from the Congo craton during the early Neoproterozoic. This emplacement within a micro-continent raises the problematic of its (i) origin either by the melting of a subducted slab and the mantle wedge, or by the melting of the base of a thick crust or both, and (ii) bearing on the evolution of the Pan-African orogeny in Cameroon. Granodiorites, quartz monzonites, quartz diorites and adamellites occur as massive bodies crosscut by dykes of gabbros and granites. The texture varies progressively from granular bands at the core of the massif to foliated texture towards the border. Mineralogical composition is constant in all the rock types (Am + Bt + PI + Kfs + Qtz + Op + Sph + Zrn + Ap), except the adamellites which are amphibole-free. Chemically, these potassic rocks are either magnesian and metaluminous, or ferroan and peraluminous. Quartz diorites, granodiorites and granites are High-K calc-alkaline whereas quartz monzonites, adamellites and gabbros are shoshonitic. Most incompatible elements (e.g. Nb, Zr) show an erratic variation with increasing silica contents. Granites rare earth elements (REE) patterns are highly fractionated with a positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu-star = 2.50-2.04) compared to less fractionated REE patterns of adamellites, quartz monzonites, and granodiorites. The negative anomalies in U, Nb, Ta and Ti shown by gabbros, quartz diorites, quartz monzonites and granodiorites spider diagrams as Th, K, Pb, Zr and Hf positive anomalies for the adamellites and granites patterns are consistent with magmas derived from a subduction setting. The low Sr-87/Sr-86((600)) initial ratio (0.697-0.706) and epsilon Nd-i values (-0.82706-1.03707) of the rocks plot in the mantle array. However, a wide variation of the Sr-87/Sr-86 ratio values with constant epsilon Nd-i suggests an enrichment in radiogenic Sr-87 likely from an old crust displaying high Rb/Sr ratio. The variations of the La/Yb, Y/Nb and Zr/Nb ratios preclude the fractional crystallization process. Moreover, these characteristics, combined with the erratic (Zr, Nb) suggest particular magmatic sources and complex fusion processes to the Yoro-Yangben heterogeneous granitoids. The lower range of Ba/Nb values (130-135) and the occurrence of shoshonitic magmas likely point to the melting of an oceanic slab; while the higher range (225-230) indicates a blend of melts from oceanic slab and the associated sediments. Granite compositions are similar to melting liquids of metagreywackes. La/Sm and Sm/Yb ratios in gabbros, quartz monzonites and quartz diorite indicate an origin by a batch melting of phlogopite-amphibole-gamet lherzolite, whereas granodiorites and adamellites parent magmas may have originated from a batch melting of a metasomatized spinel lherzolite. Whole rock Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr results yield a unique age of 600 Ma, assigned to the collision time between the West-African and the Congo cratons. Thus, the Yoro-Yangben intrusion is part of the numerous Pan-African granitoids in Cameroon, South of Chad and East of Nigeria.
机译:在巴非亚(喀麦隆)以南,泛非的Yoro-Yangben地块被安置在Adamawa-Yade街区中,Adamawa-Yade街区是古新古生代微大陆,在新元古代早期与刚果克拉通分离。这种在微大陆上的位置提出了以下问题:(i)通过俯冲的平板和地幔楔的融化,或厚壳底的融化或两者兼而有之;(ii)附着在泛非造山运动在喀麦隆的演化。球长花岗岩,石英蒙脱石,石英闪长石和钙铝石是由辉长岩和花岗岩的堤坝横切的块状体。从地块核心的颗粒带到叶状纹理向边界逐渐变化。除不含闪石的辉石岩外,所有岩石类型(Am + Bt + PI + Kfs + Qtz + Op + Sph + Zrn + Ap)的矿物学组成都是恒定的。从化学上讲,这些钾质岩是镁质和金属质的,或者是铁锰矿和高铝质的。石英闪长岩,花岗闪长岩和花岗岩为高钾钙碱性盐,而石英单长石,钙钛矿和辉长岩为粗晶。大多数不相容元素(例如Nb,Zr)随二氧化硅含量的增加而显示出不稳定的变化。花岗岩的稀土元素(REE)模式具有较高的正向Eu异常度(Eu / Eu-star = 2.50-2.04),相比之下,扇形岩,石英独居石和花岗闪长岩的REE模式较少。辉长岩,石英闪长岩,石英辉长岩和花岗闪长岩的蜘蛛图表示的U,Nb,Ta和Ti的负异常,如扇形岩和花岗岩模式的Th,K,Pb,Zr和Hf正异常与俯冲产生的岩浆一致设置。岩石的低Sr-87 / Sr-86((600))初始比率(0.697-0.706)和εNd-i值(-0.82706-1.03707)在地幔阵列中标绘。然而,εNd-i恒定时,Sr-87 / Sr-86比值的变化很大,这表明放射源性Sr-87的富集可能来自显示高Rb / Sr比的旧皮。 La / Yb,Y / Nb和Zr / Nb比的变化排除了分步结晶过程。此外,这些特征,再加上不稳定的(Zr,Nb),暗示了特定的岩浆来源和Yoro-Yangben异质花岗岩的复杂融合过程。 Ba / Nb值的较低范围(130-135)和尖晶石岩浆的出现可能表明海洋板块融化。而较高的范围(225-230)则表明来自海洋平板的熔体和相关沉积物的混合。花岗岩的成分类似于熔化的超大瓦克斯液体。长辉石,石英蒙脱石和石英闪长岩中的La / Sm和Sm / Yb之比表明金云母-闪石-配子形锂铁矿的批熔是起源,而花岗闪长岩和珐琅质母岩浆可能是由交代化的尖晶石型钙铝石的批熔产生的。整个岩石的Sm-Nd和Rb-Sr结果产生了600 Ma的独特年龄,这归因于西非和刚果克拉通之间的碰撞时间。因此,Yoro-Yangben入侵是喀麦隆,乍得南部和尼日利亚东部众多泛非花岗岩的一部分。



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