首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Advanced Transportation >Numerical optimal control method for shockwaves reduction at stationary bottlenecks

Numerical optimal control method for shockwaves reduction at stationary bottlenecks


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The paper introduces an optimal control method for traffic management with variable speed limits. It consists of traffic flow dynamics prediction with a non-linearized Lighthill-Whitham-Richards macroscopic traffic flow model, introduction of a cost functional, which enables stable shockwaves optimization, and numerical implementation of the optimization process with differential evolution. The method overcomes the discretization issues and provides speed limits that are in general not limited to small number of successive discrete points, i.e. variable message signs locations, nor in rounded speed limits. Performance of the method is demonstrated on a case study, which shows promising reduction of the backward moving shockwave that occurs because of a stationary bottleneck. Copyright (C) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:本文介绍了一种可变限速交通管理的最优控制方法。它包括使用非线性的Lighthill-Whitham-Richards宏观交通流模型进行交通流动力学预测,引入可实现稳定冲击波优化的成本函数以及具有差分演化的优化过程的数值实现。该方法克服了离散化问题,并提供了速度限制,该速度限制通常不限于少量连续的离散点,即,可变的消息标志位置,也不限于圆形的速度限制。该方法的性能在一个案例研究中得到了证明,该案例显示出由于固定瓶颈而产生的向后移动冲击波的减少很有希望。版权所有(C)2016 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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