首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science >Treatment of Retinochorioiditis Caused by Toxoplasmosis with Traditional Symptom-related Acupuncture and Chronoacupuncture/Zi Wu Liu Zhu:A Case Study

Treatment of Retinochorioiditis Caused by Toxoplasmosis with Traditional Symptom-related Acupuncture and Chronoacupuncture/Zi Wu Liu Zhu:A Case Study


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Object: To show that increased and invigorated movement of qi and blood within the organism and their concentration in the diseased organ is crucial for acupuncture and limitations for acupuncture based upon Western medicine are not necessarily adequate. Methods: Symptom-related and chronoacupuncture were used within a five stages acupuncture beginning with needling of competent pair of confluent points and followed by Zi Wu Liu Zhu chronoacupuncture. Results: After 58 symptom-related acupuncture treatments the vision increased from 10 to 70 percent and remained stable. 18 months later one Zi Wu Liu Zhu chronoacupuncture was carried out following a needling concept of five stages. Within one hour the vision increased from 70 to 90 percent. Conclusions: Ophthalmologists should offer acupuncture to patients suffering from eye in-flammations and retina scars. Acupuncturists should use Zi Wu Liu Zhu and powerful acupoints and acupoint combinations in order to invigorate and to move qi and blood strongly. This case shows the effectiveness of acupuncture and chronoacupuncture in a case of retina scar caused by toxoplasmosis. Therefore, acupuncture treatment might be successfully applied in diseases where Western medicine cannot offer help.
机译:目的:表明机体中气血运动的增强和活跃以及它们在患病器官中的浓度对针灸至关重要,而基于西医的针灸限制不一定足够。方法:症状针刺和针刺疗法在五个阶段的针刺中使用,从针刺合缝点对开始针刺,然后用子午六注针刺疗法进行针刺。结果:经过58例与症状相关的针灸治疗后,视力从10%增至70%,并保持稳定。 18个月后,按照五个阶段的针刺概念进行了一次子午六柱计时针灸。一小时内,视力从70%提高到90%。结论:眼科医生应为患有眼部炎症和视网膜疤痕的患者提供针灸。针灸师应使用子午流注和强效的穴位和穴位组合,以振兴气血。该病例显示了在弓形虫病引起的视网膜瘢痕的情况下针灸和计时针灸的有效性。因此,针灸治疗可能会成功应用于西医无法提供帮助的疾病。



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