首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Academic Ethics >The Impact of Academic Service Learning as a Teaching Method and its Effect on Emotional Intelligence

The Impact of Academic Service Learning as a Teaching Method and its Effect on Emotional Intelligence


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This article explores Academic Service Learning (ASL) as a teaching method which bridges the gap between academic requirements for learning and the need of society to have individuals willing to give their time and effort to benefit others in need. Students as part of a course learning requirement engaged in a consulting project whereby a non-profit organization was advised on both short term and long term planning. Students (n= 177) were exposed to the operational needs of the organization as well as the dependency of the needy on their services. A pre- and post- survey was administered which focused on any perceived changes in Emotional Intelligence (EI) experienced by the students upon completion of the project. The results indicated that student's EI was affected by the learning project in terms of how they feel about themselves and their overall effort levels.
机译:本文探讨了“学术服务学习”(ASL)作为一种教学方法,该方法弥合了学习的学术要求与社会的需求之间的鸿沟,让个人愿意付出时间和精力来使有需要的其他人受益。作为课程学习要求的一部分,学生参加了一个咨询项目,在此项目中,为非营利组织提供了短期和长期计划方面的建议。学生(n = 177)暴露于组织的运营需求以及有需要的人对他们的服务的依赖。进行了调查前和调查后,调查的重点是学生在项目完成后所感受到的情绪智力(EI)的任何变化。结果表明,学生的EI受学习项目的影响,包括他们对自己的感觉以及他们的整体努力水平。



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