首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Academic Ethics >The Influence of the Internet on Plagiarism Among Doctoral Dissertations: An Empirical Study

The Influence of the Internet on Plagiarism Among Doctoral Dissertations: An Empirical Study


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Plagiarism has been a long standing concern within higher education. Yet with the rapid rise in the use and availability of the Internet, both the research literature and media have raised the notion that the online environment is accelerating the decline in academic ethics. The majority of research that has been conducted to investigate such claims have involved self-report data from students. This study sought to collect empirical data to investigate the potential influence the prevalence of the Internet has had on significant higher education artifacts by comparing dissertations written prior to widespread use of the Internet with those written in a period in ubiquitous Internet use. Due to the prestige associated with the doctoral degree and the fact that the majority of the effort necessary to achieve such a degree resides within the dissertation, this study utilized Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertations written in English and published by accredited universities in the U.S. and Canada. A sample of 384 dissertations were analyzed by Turnitin plagiarism detection software. The mean similarity indices for pre-Internet and post-Internet eras were 14.5 and 12.3 %, respectively. A Mann Whitney U test (Mdn=13, U=30,098.5, p<0.001) indicated that the differences between groups was significant, however opposite than has been purported within the exigent literature. When comparing the counts of dissertations for each time era considering those with plagiarism versus those that had littleo evidence thereof, there was no statistically significant difference (x2 [1, N=368]=2.61, p=0.11). The findings of this study suggest that the Internet may not be significantly impacting the prevalence of plagiarism in advanced levels of higher education.
机译:higher窃一直是高等教育中长期关注的问题。但是,随着Internet的使用和可用性的迅速增长,研究文献和媒体都提出了这样一种观念,即在线环境正在加速学术道德的衰落。为调查此类主张而进行的大多数研究都涉及学生的自我报告数据。这项研究试图通过比较在广泛使用Internet之前撰写的论文和在一段时间内普遍使用Internet所撰写的论文,来收集经验数据,以调查Internet的流行对重要的高等教育文物的潜在影响。由于与博士学位相关的声望,以及为获得该学位所必需的大部分工作都属于论文这一事实,本研究采用了英语撰写并由美国认可大学出版的哲学博士(PhD)论文。和加拿大。通过Turnitin pla窃检测软件分析了384篇论文的样本。互联网前和互联网后时代的平均相似性指数分别为14.5%和12.3%。 Mann Whitney U检验(Mdn = 13,U = 30,098.5,p <0.001)表明,各组之间的差异是显着的,但与现有文献中所声称的相反。当比较考虑抄袭者和没有/没有证据的每个时代的论文数量时,没有统计学上的显着差异(x2 [1,N = 368] = 2.61,p = 0.11)。这项研究的结果表明,互联网可能不会对高级高等教育中的pla窃行为产生重大影响。



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