首页> 外文期刊>Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety >The Daily Operational Brief: Fostering Daily Readiness, Care Coordination, and Problem-Solving Accountability in a Large Pediatric Health Care System

The Daily Operational Brief: Fostering Daily Readiness, Care Coordination, and Problem-Solving Accountability in a Large Pediatric Health Care System


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At a pediatric health system, the Daily Operational Brief (DOB) was updated in 2015 after three years of operation. Quality and safety metrics, the patient volume and staffing assessment, and the readiness assessment are all presented. In addition, in the problem-solving accountability system, problematic issues are categorized as Quick Hits or Complex Issues. Walk-the-Wall, a biweekly meeting attended by hospital senior administrative leadership and quality and safety leaders, is conducted to chart current progress on Complex Issues. The DOB provides a daily standardized approach to evaluate readiness to provide care to current patients and improvement in the care to be provided for future patients.
机译:在儿科卫生系统中,经过三年的手术,2015年更新了《每日手术简介》(DOB)。质量和安全指标,患者数量和人员配备评估以及准备情况评估均已提交。另外,在解决问题的责任制中,有问题的问题被归类为“快速命中”或“复杂问题”。医院高层行政领导和质量与安全领导者每两周举行一次“走墙巡回”会议,以绘制复杂问题的最新进展。 DOB提供每日标准化方法,以评估为当前患者提供护理的准备情况以及为将来患者提供的护理的改进。



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