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Self-service walks a fine line


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By 1 October 2009, the last of Ryanair's check-in desks had been removed at all of its airports. For passengers who have frequently experienced the frustrations of being herded along slow-moving queues, only to be faced with inane and pointless security questions at the desk, this would appear to be good news. But which of the stakeholders - airline, airport or passenger - really benefits, or is there some gain for everyone?rnThe biggest beneficiary is the airline. A statement by Ryanair's colourful and controversial chief executive, Michael O'Leary, that abolishing check-in desks at airports would save the airline about EUR50 million (USD68 million) per annum, could lead to other European low-fare carriers following suitrnThe advantage for passengers is less clear-cut, as the new system may simply replace the check-in queue by a similar snaking line at the bag-drop point.
机译:到2009年10月1日,瑞安航空的所有值机柜台都已拆除。对于经常遇到挤在缓慢移动的队列中而感到沮丧的乘客,却只在办公桌前面临着无聊而毫无意义的安全问题,这似乎是个好消息。但是,哪个利益相关者(航空公司,机场或乘客)真正受益,还是每个人都可以从中受益?最大的受益者是航空公司。瑞安航空(Ryanair)多才多艺且备受争议的首席执行官迈克尔·奥利里(Michael O'Leary)的一项声明称,取消机场的登机柜台每年将为航空公司节省约5,000万欧元(6,800万美元),这可能会导致欧洲其他廉价航空公司在遭遇破产之后由于新系统可能只是在行李托放点用一条类似的蛇行代替了登机队列,因此乘客的路途不太清晰。



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