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'Nonlethal' Chemical Weapons: A Faustian Bargain


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On October 26, 2002, approximately 50 Chechen separatist guerrillas took over a Moscow theater, holding about 750 people hostage. The hostage-takers were well armed with automatic weapons and grenades, and the females were wired with high explosives. They demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya, and threatened to kill the hostages and themselves if their demand was not met. The Russian government refused to negotiate. On the 28th, Russian special forces troops stormed the theater, first releasing a potent narcotic (a derivative of the opiate anesthetic fen-tanyl) into the ventilation system. When the troops burst into the main hall, they found the hostages and hostage-takers in a coma. The unconscious Chechens were all shot dead at point blank range, and the hostages were rushed to hospitals. In the end, approximately 125 hostages died of overdose; the rest―more than 600―survived. A number of the survivors are likely to have permanent disability. Opiate overdose causes respiratory depression that can starve the brain of oxygen, causing permanent brain damage when prolonged. It took hours to evacuate and treat the hostages. Aspiration pneumonia, a frequent complication of opiate overdose, may also cause permanent damage.
机译:2002年10月26日,约50名车臣分离主义游击队接管了莫斯科剧院,将约750人质扣为人质。劫持人质者配备了自动武器和手榴弹,而女性则被绑上了炸药。他们要求从车臣撤出俄罗斯军队,并威胁要杀害人质和他们自己,如果他们的要求得不到满足。俄罗斯政府拒绝谈判。 28日,俄罗斯特种部队冲进战区,首先将强效麻醉药(鸦片麻醉药芬太尼的衍生物)释放到通风系统中。当部队冲进大厅时,他们陷入了昏迷状态的人质和劫持者。昏迷的车臣人全部被射杀在死角,并把人质赶往医院。最后,约有125人质死于过量。其余(超过600个)幸存下来。许多幸存者可能患有永久性残疾。阿片类药物过量会导致呼吸抑制,使大脑缺氧,长时间呼吸会对大脑造成永久性损害。疏散和治疗人质花了几个小时。吸入性肺炎是鸦片过量的常见并发症,也可能造成永久性损害。



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