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Blocking Invasive Aquatic Species


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Voracious snakehead fish from China crawl out of a Maryland pond, while 100-pound Asian carp smash into recreational boats on the Mississippi River. Armies of alien rats, numbering in the millions and weighing up to 20 pounds, raze wetland vegetation in Louisiana. Softball-sized snails called Rapa whelks silently devour any and all Chesapeake Bay shellfish in their paths. The images would be comic if they were not real. Instead, they have helped to convince Congress that the threat to the U.S. economy and environment from these and other nonnative species is enormous and that the federal government should get serious about keeping them out. If Congress does act, then we owe these cartoon villains a debt of gratitude. In the world of alien species prevention, there is no time like the present. The list of invader species plaguing U.S. coasts is long, diverse, and growing. A recent Pew Oceans Report cites aquatic invasive species as a top threat to marine biodiversity, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reported that invasive species are second only to habitat destruction as a threat to endangered species
机译:来自中国的贪婪的蛇头鱼从马里兰州的池塘里爬出来,而重达100磅的亚洲鲤鱼砸入了密西西比河上的休闲船中。路易斯安那州的湿地植被肆虐,数量达数百万只,重达20磅的外星大鼠大军。叫Rapa螺el的垒球大小的蜗牛悄悄地吞噬了切萨皮克湾贝类中的所有贝类。如果图像不是真实的,它们将是可笑的。相反,他们帮助说服国会,这些和其他非本地物种对美国经济和环境的威胁是巨大的,联邦政府应该认真考虑将其排除在外。如果国会确实采取了行动,那么我们就欠这些卡通恶棍感激之情。在防止外来物种的世界上,没有比现在更短的时间了。困扰美国海岸的入侵物种种类繁多,种类繁多且不断增长。皮尤海洋公司(Pew Oceans)最近的一份报告称,水生入侵物种是对海洋生物多样性的最大威胁,环境保护署(EPA)报告说,入侵物种仅次于栖息地破坏,是对濒危物种的威胁。



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