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House renews effort to protect commercial databases


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After a number of false starts during the past few years, the House is making another attempt to enact legislation that would clarify the legal rights of commercial database owners in the age of the Internet. But even the new bill, which is an attempt at a compromise, is proving to be controversial. On October 8, Rep. Howard Coble (R-N.C.) introduced the Database and Collections of Information Misappropriation Act (H.R. 3261), which would make illegal the unauthorized use of a database or, as the proposed text defines it, "a collection of a large number of discrete items of information." The bill has five cosponsors, including House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wisc.) and House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman W. J. "Billy" Tauzin (R-La.).
机译:在过去几年中出现了许多错误的开端之后,众议院正在另一次尝试制定立法,以阐明互联网时代商业数据库所有者的合法权利。但是,即使是试图妥协的新法案,也被证明是有争议的。 10月8日,众议员霍华德·科布尔(RN.C.)颁布了《数据库和信息收集不当使用法案》(HR 3261),该法案将对未经授权使用数据库或拟议的文字定义为非法,“大量离散的信息项。”该法案有五个共同提案国,包括众议院司法委员会主席F. James Sensenbrenner Jr.(R-Wisc。)和众议院能源与商业委员会主席W. J.“ Billy” Tauzin(R-La。)。



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