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James Arbuckle and Dean Swift: cultural politics in the Irish confessional state

机译:詹姆斯·阿巴克(James Arbuckle)和迪恩·斯威夫特(Dean Swift):爱尔兰the悔国的文化政治

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James Arbuckle, born a Presbyterian in Belfast, educated at Glasgow University, moved to Dublin under the patronage of the radical Whig Viscount Molesworth. He arrived at the time of Swift's triumph as 'The Drapier'. Writing under the name 'Hibernicus', he produced a series of essays in the style of Addison's Spectator (1725-26). They can be read as a 'polite' Whig critique of Swift's Irish writing, particularly on confessional division. Arbuckle was clearly identified as a political opponent of Swift in a series of lampoons from Swift's circle. He wrote more incisively against the confessional state in his 1729 work The Tribune, lost to historians because of a mistaken attribution to Swift's friend Delany. This article will study Arbuckle's critique of Swift, aiming to give an insight into cultural conflict, both Whig/Tory and Anglican/Presbyterian in a period when both Whig and Presbyterian views have generally been overlooked.
机译:詹姆斯·阿巴克勒(James Arbuckle)出生于贝尔法斯特的长老会,在格拉斯哥大学接受教育,在激进的辉格党(Whig Viscount Molesworth)的赞助下搬到了都柏林。他在斯威夫特(Swift)获胜时以“德拉皮(Drapier)”的身份到达。他以“ Hibernicus”的名字写作,以Addison的《旁观者》(1725-26)的风格撰写了一系列论文。他们可以被看作是对斯威夫特的爱尔兰著作的“礼貌”辉格评论,特别是在悔科上。在来自Swift圈子的一系列讽刺作品中,Arbuckle被明确确定为Swift的政治对手。他在1729年的著作《论坛报》(The Tribune)中更加尖锐地反对against悔国家,但由于错误地将斯威夫特的朋友德兰尼(Delany)归功于历史学家而输给了历史学家。本文将研究Arbuckle对Swift的批评,旨在深入了解辉格党/长老派的观点和辉格党/长老派的观点之间的文化冲突。



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