首页> 外文期刊>Irish Studies Review >The failure of parenting and the success of love in Robert McLiam Wilson's Ripley Bogle and Eureka Street

The failure of parenting and the success of love in Robert McLiam Wilson's Ripley Bogle and Eureka Street

机译:罗伯特·麦克利亚姆·威尔逊(Robert McLiam Wilson)的里普利·博格尔(Ripley Bogle)和尤里卡街(Eureka Street)的养育子女失败和爱的成功

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Robert McLiam Wilson has become one of the most influential literary voices to emerge from Northern Ireland since the Troubles began, and he has challenged the understanding of contemporary Irishness. His novels are gritty, acerbic and he constructs images of Belfast that are as startling as they are affectionate. Both Ripley Bogle (1989) and Eureka Street (1996) involve characters from broken families who, in spite of sectarian violence around them, find emotional support from unlikely individuals. Failure of parenting is a persistent motif in McLiam Wilson, but so too is the triumph of love because the protagonists of Ripley Bogle and Eureka Street both turn to unlikely individuals for guidance. Although traditional parenting fails, pseudo-adoptive parents mollify both Ripley Bogle and Jake Jackson by granting them support and love.
机译:自《麻烦》问世以来,罗伯特·麦克里亚姆·威尔逊(Robert McLiam Wilson)已成为北爱尔兰最有影响力的文学之声之一,他对当代爱尔兰的理解提出了挑战。他的小说是坚韧不拔的,讽刺的,并且他构造了贝尔法斯特的影像,这些影像既令人震惊又充满感情。 Ripley Bogle(1989)和Eureka Street(1996)都涉及破碎家庭的人物,尽管他们周围有宗派暴力,但他们从不太可能的人那里获得了情感支持。养育子女的失败是麦克利安·威尔逊(McLiam Wilson)的一个持久主题,但爱情的胜利也是如此,因为里普利·博格尔(Ripley Bogle)和尤里卡街(Eureka Street)的主角都转向不太可能的个人作为指导。尽管传统的养育方式失败了,但假收养父母通过给予他们支持和爱抚,来抚慰里普利·博格尔和杰克·杰克逊。



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