首页> 外文期刊>Irish Studies Review >The historical significance of President Kennedy's visit to Ireland in June 1963

The historical significance of President Kennedy's visit to Ireland in June 1963


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President John F. Kennedy's visit to Ireland in June 1963 was the first by a serving American President. Using materials from archives in London, Dublin, and Boston, this article re-assesses the motives behind Kennedy's decision to visit Ireland and concludes that it was largely a personal journey. However, the trip was not without wider historical and political significance and was surrounded by controversy. The visit was unpopular in the United States, proved a security nightmare, and provoked much discussion amongst the political leadership in Belfast, Dublin and London over Kennedy's attitude to partition. The visit marked a major development in the history of Irish-American relations as it eased tensions over Ireland's neutrality, marked a shift towards White House activism in Irish affairs, boosted Irish tourism, and fostered increased trading and cultural links between the two countries.
机译:约翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)总统1963年6月对爱尔兰的访问是在任美国总统的第一次访问。本文使用伦敦,都柏林和波士顿的档案资料,重新评估了肯尼迪决定访问爱尔兰的动机,并得出结论,这很大程度上是个人旅程。然而,这次旅行并非没有更广泛的历史和政治意义,而且充满了争议。这次访问在美国不受欢迎,证明是一场安全噩梦,并且引起了贝尔法斯特,都柏林和伦敦的政治领导人之间就肯尼迪的分裂态度进行了很多讨论。这次访问标志着爱尔兰裔美国人关系史上的重大发展,缓解了爱尔兰中立态势的紧张局势,标志着爱尔兰事务向白宫激进主义转变,促进了爱尔兰的旅游业,并促进了两国之间的贸易和文化联系的增加。



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