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Domestic espionage: David Park's Swallowing the Sun as Troubles thriller

机译:家庭间谍活动:大卫·帕克(David Park)的《吞咽太阳》(Trallowles惊悚片)

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David Park's standing as an author of finely observed works, in which individual frailties are pitted against larger scenarios of conflict and trauma, was recently acknowledged through his winning of the American Ireland Literary Award. His most recent novel, The Truth Commissioner, projects a model of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission onto a Northern Ireland setting, and won the 2009 Christopher Ewart Biggs Memorial Award. The novel this essay examines, Swallowing the Sun (2005), can be read as a re-working of the conventional Troubles thriller. In this novel, the traumas of domestic violence feed into and interweave with state violence in Belfast. Poverty and class inequities are highlighted as causes for both private and public conflict. David Park revises the Troubles thriller to suggest that the pressure to be quiet in the face of suffering is the real enemy to both individual and state welfare. Swallowing the Sun is a powerful challenge to established ideas about genre and context in Northern Ireland, and a moving work from a Northern Ireland author who has, until recently, been relatively overlooked.
机译:戴维·帕克(David Park)的地位是精心观察的作品的作者,其中个人的脆弱性与更大范围的冲突和创伤相提并论,最近通过他获得美国爱尔兰文学奖而得到认可。他的最新小说《真相专员》将南非真相与和解委员会的样板投影到北爱尔兰,并获得了2009年克里斯托弗·埃瓦尔特·比格斯纪念奖。本文研究的小说《吞咽太阳》(2005年)可以看作是对传统《麻烦》惊悚片的重制。在这本小说中,家庭暴力的创伤与贝尔法斯特的国家暴力并存并交织在一起。贫困和阶级不平等被强调为私人和公共冲突的原因。戴维·帕克(David Park)修改了《麻烦》惊悚片,建议面对苦难面对沉寂的压力是个人和国家福利的真正敌人。吞咽太阳对北爱尔兰关于流派和背景的既定观念提出了严峻的挑战,也是北爱尔兰作家的一部动人著作,直到最近,该作家仍被相对忽视。



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