首页> 外文期刊>Irish Studies Review >'The gentle art of re-perceiving': post-ceasefire identity in the poetry of Alan Gillis

'The gentle art of re-perceiving': post-ceasefire identity in the poetry of Alan Gillis


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This article discusses post-ceasefire identity in Northern Ireland, as examined in the poetry of Alan Gillis. Emphasising the novelty of Gillis's work (and connecting this with his status as one of the first generation 'peace poets'), the article argues for awareness of complexity and uncertainty within the poems, suggesting formation of the 'new' as, in poetry as in society, a difficult, ambiguous task productive of an aesthetics of transition. Focusing particularly on the ten year gap between the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 and the implementation of devolved government in 2007 (and with reference to political writings from this period), it examines the relationship between poetic and political agency, aligning Gillis's approach to form, language and syntax with a dualistic sense of opportunity and disempowerment. Also examined are themes of consumerism and the globalising of identity attendant on economic/political 'normalisation', with reference to theoretical approaches by Walter Benjamin and Cairns Craig.
机译:本文讨论了北爱尔兰在停火后的身份,正如艾伦·吉利斯(Alan Gillis)的诗歌所考察的那样。文章强调吉利斯的作品的新颖性(并将其与第一代“和平诗人”的地位联系起来),力求使人们意识到诗歌中的复杂性和不确定性,并暗示了“新”在诗歌中的形成。在社会中,一项艰巨,模棱两可的任务产生了过渡美学。它特别关注1998年签署《耶稣受难日协定》与2007年实行下放政府之间的十年差距(并参考该时期的政治著作),它考察了诗意与政治代理之间的关系,并与吉利斯的方法保持一致。形式,语言和句法,具有机会和丧失权力的双重意识。参照沃尔特·本杰明和凯恩斯·克雷格的理论方法,还研究了消费主义的主题和伴随经济/政治“正常化”的身份全球化。



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