首页> 外文期刊>International Sugar Journal >Energy saving and cogeneration potential in Mexican sugar mills

Energy saving and cogeneration potential in Mexican sugar mills


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This study evaluates the energy saving alternatives for the Mexican sugar industry through the optimal use of bagasse and cane residues. It evaluates the use of an efficient cogeneration plant which is separate from the sugar mill but which is capable of providing all of the steam and electricity required by a sugar mill. Also, by burning bagasse only during the cane crushing season, and burning bagasse and other cane residues outside of the crushing season, this system can provide electrical energy to the national electrical grid all year round without using fossil fuel. The cogeneration potential of 5 sugar mills is assessed, as well as the primary energy savings obtained by the implementation of the cogeneration system. Findings indicate that the combination of modernizing cogeneration plants (in particular with new boilers and turbines) and utilizing cane residues has the potential to generate 5-fold more surplus electrical power per plant (i.e. 25.1 MW) while at the same time eliminating the demand for fossil fuel.



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