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The Fourth Era of Policing: Homeland Security


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American policing has been said to have gone through three eras: the political, reform, and community; and consists of four different models of policing: traditional, community policing, problem-oriented and zero-tolerance. With the tragic events of 11 September 2001, and the government's movement toward enhanced domestic security, the author argues that we have entered a new era in American policing and are witnessing the adaptation of a new style of policing, namely Homeland Security. Drawing upon the works of Kelling and Moore (G L Kelling and M H Moore in Perspectives on Policing No 4, Washington DC, National Institute of Justice, 1988; G L Kelling and M H Moore, in J R Greene and S D Mastrofski (eds) Community Policing: Rhetoric or Reality? Praeger, 1991, pp 3-25) and Greene (J R Greene in Criminal Justice 2000: Policies, Processes, and Decisions of the Criminal Justice System Vol 3, 2000), the author advances their work to highlight what this new era and style of policing means for American policing.
机译:据说美国的警务经历了三个时代:政治,改革和社区;并由四种不同的警务模式组成:传统警务,社区警务,面向问题和零容忍。随着2001年9月11日的悲剧性事件以及政府向增强国内安全的运动,作者认为,我们进入了美国警务的新纪元,目睹了一种新的警务方式的改编,即国土安全。借鉴Kelling和Moore的著作(GL Kelling和MH Moore在《警务视角》第4期,华盛顿特区,美国国家司法研究所,1988年; GL Kelling和MH Moore在JR Greene和SD Mastrofski(eds)社区警务中:修辞学还是现实?Praeger,1991年,第3-25页)和Greene(《刑事司法系统》(JR Greene,2000年:刑事司法系统的政策,流程和决定,2000年,第3卷)),作者进行了研究,以突出这一新时代和警务方式是美国警务的手段。



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