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Capitalism and unfree labor: a review of Marxist perspectives on modern slavery


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Contrary to the expectations of liberal and neoclassical economists, as well as many Marxists, the deepening and extension of capitalism appear to be heightening the prevalence of unfree labor. By most accounts, the forms of exploitation encapsulated within unfree labor - including those typically referred to as forced labor, human trafficking and modern slavery - are proliferating in the global economy, including in advanced capitalist societies. We evaluate these developments in light of the relationship between capitalism and unfree labor through the prism of Marxism, revealing a deep-seated divide between a neo-Smithian reading, according to which capitalism and unfree labor are incompatible, and a more faithful Marxist tradition that views forced labor as one possible form of labor control and exploitation under capitalism. Building on this second tradition, we argue that international political economy scholars who seek to shed light into the contemporary and historic dynamics of unfree labor must transcend the rigid theoretical binaries that have long characterized Marxist debates on capitalism and unfree labor.
机译:与自由主义和新古典主义经济学家的期望相反,以及许多马克思主义者,资本主义的深化和延伸似乎正在提高未自由劳动的普遍存在。由大多数账目,在未经劳工中封装的剥削形式 - 包括通常被称为强迫劳动,人口贩运和现代奴役的形式 - 在全球经济中加剧,包括先进的资本主义社会。根据资本主义与无人劳动之间的关系,通过马克思主义的棱镜来评估这些发展,揭示了一个新史密斯阅读之间的深层划分,根据资本主义和未满的劳动不相容,更忠诚的马克思主义传统意见被迫劳动为资本主义下的一种可能的劳动力控制和剥削。在这第二个传统中,我们认为,寻求脱落进入无人劳动力的当代和历史动态的国际政治经济学学者必须超越具有关于资本主义和未满劳动力的长期特征马克思主义辩论的刚性理论二进制文件。



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