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Novel methods for the production of titanium


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Titanium ores are very plentiful in the earth crust but the demand for titanium metal is restricted by its high cost in spite of its excellent mechanical properties, corrosion and oxidation resistance and low density. Titanium was first produced by the Hunter process but this has been superseded, except for special applications, by the Kroll process which entails carbochlorination of rutile and ilmenite to obtain titanium tetrachloride followed by metallothermic reduction with magnesium. In the past ten years, ∼20 novel processes have been investigated as possible low cost routes for titanium, based upon electrolytic processes, both anodic and cathodic, and variations of the Hunter and Kroll processes. The anodic processes use a conducting anode consisting of Ti-O-C and the titanium is essentially electrorefined, in a molten salt, from the anode. The cathodic routes rely on either the electrodeposition of calcium or the electro-deoxidation of the oxide. The variations on the Hunter and Kroll processes include methods to convert these batch processes into continuous processes. Most of these new processes are at the laboratory or pilot plant stage and it will take several years before it is known whether one of them will replace the Kroll process. All users of titanium are watching these developments closely.
机译:钛矿石在地壳中非常丰富,但尽管钛金属具有出色的机械性能,耐腐蚀和抗氧化性以及密度低,但其高成本限制了钛金属的需求。钛最初是通过Hunter工艺生产的,但除特殊应用外,已被Kroll工艺所取代,该工艺需要将金红石和钛铁矿进行碳氯化以得到四氯化钛,然后用镁进行金属热还原。在过去的十年中,基于阳极和阴极的电解过程以及Hunter和Kroll过程的变化,已经研究了约20种新颖的工艺作为钛的低成本途径。阳极工艺使用的是由Ti-O-C组成的导电阳极,钛基本上是从阳极中以熔融盐形式进行电精炼的。阴极途径依赖于钙的电沉积或氧化物的电脱氧。 Hunter和Kroll过程的变化形式包括将这些批处理过程转换为连续过程的方法。这些新过程中的大多数都处于实验室或中试工厂阶段,要知道其中一个是否可以替代Kroll过程还需要几年的时间。所有钛使用者都在密切注视着这些发展。



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