首页> 外文期刊>International journal of wireless information networks >Saturation Throughput Analysis of IEEE 802.11e EDCA Through Analytical Model

Saturation Throughput Analysis of IEEE 802.11e EDCA Through Analytical Model

机译:基于解析模型的IEEE 802.11e EDCA饱和吞吐量分析

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The IEEE 802.11e EDCA is designed to provide quality of support for real time applications with stringent latency and throughput requirements. Theoretical frameworks for analysis of throughput performance of wireless LAN employing exponential back-off exist extensively. Several models rely on simplification assumptions that preclude their direct applicability to the enhanced distributed coordination access (EDCA) which uses heterogeneous protocol parameters, while other models are exceedingly complex to analyze. In this paper, a tractable analytical model is proposed for saturation throughput of the IEEE 802.11e EDCA. The prioritization through channel access parameters including the AIFS and contention window is catered for within a three dimensional Markov chain. The integration of back-off counter freezing and retry limit enhance the models precision. Its validation is done by simulation on NS-2. Practical applicability of the model is established based on accuracy and computational efficiency. The model is utilized for throughput analysis of the EDCA under saturated traffic loads.
机译:IEEE 802.11e EDCA旨在为具有严格延迟和吞吐量要求的实时应用程序提供支持质量。分析采用指数补偿的无线局域网吞吐量性能的理论框架已广泛存在。一些模型依赖于简化的假设,这些假设使得它们无法直接应用于使用异构协议参数的增强型分布式协调访问(EDCA),而其他模型的分析则极其复杂。本文针对IEEE 802.11e EDCA的饱和吞吐量提出了一种易于处理的分析模型。通过通道访问参数(包括AIFS和竞争窗口)的优先级在三维马尔可夫链中得到满足。退避计数器冻结和重试限制的集成提高了模型的精度。其验证是通过在NS-2上进行仿真来完成的。该模型的实际适用性基于准确性和计算效率而建立。该模型用于饱和流量负载下的EDCA吞吐量分析。



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