首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Thermophysics >Experimental Study of the Critical Behavior of the Isochoric Heat Capacity of Aqueous Ammonia Mixture

Experimental Study of the Critical Behavior of the Isochoric Heat Capacity of Aqueous Ammonia Mixture


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The isochoric heat capacity of a NH3 + H2O (0.2607 mole fraction of ammonia) mixture has been measured in the near- and supercritical regions. Measurements were made in the single- and two-phase regions including the coexistence curve using a high-temperature, high-pressure, nearly constant-volume adiabatic calorimeter. Measurements were made along 38 liquid and vapor isochores in the range from 120.03 kg · m−3 to 671.23 kg · m−3 and at temperatures from 478 K to 634 K and at pressures up to 28 MPa. Temperatures at the liquid–gas phase transition curve, T S(ρ), for each measured density (isochore) and the critical parameters (T C and ρ C) for the 0.2607 NH3 + 0.7393 H2O mixture were obtained using the quasi-static thermograms technique. The expanded uncertainty of the heat-capacity measurements at the 95 % confidence level with a coverage factor of k = 2 is estimated to be 2 % to 3 % in the near-critical and supercritical regions, 1.0 % to 1.5 % in the liquid phase, and 3 % to 4 % in the vapor phase. Uncertainties of the density, temperature, and concentration measurements are estimated to be 0.06 %, 15mK, and 5×10−5 mole fraction, respectively. An unusual behavior of the isochoric heat capacity of the mixture was found near the maxcondetherm point (in the retrograde region). The value of the Krichevskii parameter was calculated using the critical properties data for the mixture and vapor-pressure data for the pure solvent (H2O). The derived value of the Krichevskii parameter was used to analyze the critical behavior of the strong (C P , K T ) and weakly (C V ) singular properties in terms of the principle of isomorphism of critical phenomena in binary mixtures. The values of the characteristic parameters (K 1, K 2), temperatures (τ 1, τ 2), and the characteristic density differences (Δρ 1, Δρ 2) were calculated for the NH3 + H2O mixture by using the critical-curve data.
机译:在近临界区和超临界区测量了NH 3 + H 2 O(氨的摩尔比为0.2607)混合物的等速热容。使用高温,高压,几乎恒定体积的绝热量热计在单相和两相区域(包括共存曲线)中进行测量。沿38个液体和蒸气等时线进行了测量,温度范围为120.03 kg·m -3 至671.23 kg·m −3 ,温度为478 K至634 K,并且在高达28 MPa的压力下。每种测量的密度(等容线)和关键参数(T C 和ρ C)在液相-气相转变曲线上的温度T S (ρ)使用准静态热谱图技术获得0.2607 NH 3 + 0.7393 H 2 O混合物的)。在覆盖系数k = 2的95%置信水平下,热容量测量的扩展不确定性在近临界和超临界区域估计为2%至3%,在液相为1.0%至1.5% ,和3%至4%的气相。密度,温度和浓度测量值的不确定度分别估计为0.06%,15mK和5×10 -5 摩尔分数。在maxcondetherm点附近(在逆行区域)发现了混合物的等容热容的异常行为。使用混合物的临界特性数据和纯溶剂(H 2 O)的蒸气压数据计算Krichevskii参数的值。 Krichevskii参数的推导值用于分析强(C P ,K T )和弱(C V )的临界行为。 )根据二元混合物中临界现象的同构原理的奇异性质。特征参数的值(K 1 ,K 2 ),温度(τ 1 ,τ 2 ) ,并计算出NH 3 + H 2 的特征密度差(Δρ 1 ,Δρ 2 )通过使用临界曲线数据进行混合。



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