首页> 外文期刊>International journal of technoethics >Support for Cyberbullying Victims and Actors: A Content Analysis of Facebook Groups Fighting Against Cyberbullying

Support for Cyberbullying Victims and Actors: A Content Analysis of Facebook Groups Fighting Against Cyberbullying


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This study analyses the post content and the emotions reflected in 10 open Facebook groups associated with cyberbullying, with the highest number of group members. Automated extraction via Facebook API was used to gather the data. Altogether, 313 Facebook posts were extracted and coded for content analysis. Sentiment analysis and parts of speech (POS) tagging was used to explore the emotions reflected in the content. The study findings revealed that (1) the content of the posts was mainly opinion-based in comparison to expressing personal experiences of cyberbullying. This indicated Facebook groups require stronger moderation due to digression of topics discussed. (2) Only 3% of posts in this study contained advice about cyberbullying. (3) Sentiment analysis of the posts showed that the Facebook groups focused on cyberbullying, reflected more positive sentiments in their posts. This is encouraging to cyberbullying victims to share information on cyberbullying. The findings in this study lay the foundations for more research into support for cyberbullying victims.
机译:这项研究分析了与网络欺凌相关的10个开放Facebook群组中帖子内容和情感,其中群组成员数量最多。通过Facebook API的自动提取用于收集数据。总共提取了313条Facebook帖子,并进行了编码以进行内容分析。使用情感分析和词性(POS)标记来探索内容中反映的情绪。研究发现表明:(1)与表达网络欺凌的个人经历相比,帖子的内容主要基于观点。这表明,由于讨论的话题偏离主题,Facebook团体需要更强的节制。 (2)在这项研究中,只有3%的帖子包含有关网络欺凌的建议。 (3)对帖子的情绪分析表明,关注网络欺凌的Facebook团体在其帖子中反映出更多积极的情绪。这鼓励网络欺凌受害者共享有关网络欺凌的信息。这项研究的结果为进一步研究支持网络欺凌受害者奠定了基础。



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