首页> 外文期刊>International journal of technoethics >Socio-Technical Influences of Cyber Espionage: A Case Study of the GhostNet System

Socio-Technical Influences of Cyber Espionage: A Case Study of the GhostNet System


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Technoethical inquiry deals with a variety of social, legal, cultural, economic, political, and ethical implications of new technological applications which can threaten important aspects of contemporary life and society. GhostNet is a large-scale cyber espionage network which has infiltrated important political, economic, and media institutions including embassies, foreign ministries and other government offices in 103 countries and infected at least 1,295 computers. The following case study explores the influences of GhostNet on affected organizations by critically reviewing GhostNet documentation and relevant literature on cyber espionage. The research delves into the socio-technical aspects of cyber espionage through a case study of GhostNet. Drawing on Actor Network Theory (ANT), the research examined key socio-technical relations ofGhostnet and their influence on affected organizations. Implications of these findings for the phenomenon of GhostNet are discussed in the hope of raising awareness about the importance of understanding the dynamics of socio-technical relations ofcyber-espionage within organizations.
机译:技术伦理调查涉及新技术应用的各种社会,法律,文化,经济,政治和伦理影响,这些威胁可能威胁到当代生活和社会的重要方面。 GhostNet是一个大规模的网络间谍网络,已渗透到重要的政治,经济和媒体机构,包括使馆,外交部和其他政府机构在103个国家/地区,并感染了至少1,295台计算机。以下案例研究通过严格审查GhostNet文档和有关网络间谍活动的相关文献,探索了GhostNet对受影响组织的影响。该研究通过GhostNet的案例研究,深入研究了网络间谍活动的社会技术方面。该研究基于演员网络理论(ANT),研究了Ghostnet的关键社会技术关系及其对受影响组织的影响。讨论了这些发现对GhostNet现象的影响,以期提高人们对了解组织内部网络间谍活动的社会技术关系的重要性的认识。



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