首页> 外文期刊>International journal of systematic theology >Bruce L. McCormack, ed., Engaging the Doctrine of God: Contemporary Protestant Perspectives. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008, 271pp. / $26.99 / £18.56

Bruce L. McCormack, ed., Engaging the Doctrine of God: Contemporary Protestant Perspectives. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008, 271pp. / $26.99 / £18.56

机译:布鲁斯·麦考马克(Bruce L. McCormack)编辑,《参与上帝教义:当代新教徒观点》。大瀑布城:贝克学术,2008,271pp。 / $ 26.99 /£18.56

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This uncommon collection of ten essays on the doctrine of God brings together revisions of papers first presented at the 2005 Edinburgh Dogmatics Conference. The contributions range from tight conceptual proposals to broad thematic inquiries, in every case demonstrating seasoned theological judgement in action. Most tellingly, they are offered in service to the purposes of Rutherford House, namely the promotion of reasoning on the gospel which is both faithful to God's revelation in Jesus Christ and profitable for the church.



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